Images as Agents in Digital Public Spheres

3rd International Workshop on Visual Research for Doctoral Students

Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt Universitätsstrasse 65-67 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria

27.06.2019 bis 28.06.2019


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ISA WS Plakat web 2

Images as Agents in Digital Public Spheres


3rd International Workshop on Visual Research for Doctoral Students


Department for Cultural Analysis. Division of Visual Culture, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt in cooperation with the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee/ RC 57 Visual Sociology


Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
Universitätsstrasse 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria


27-28 June 2019


Preliminary schedule


27.06.2019, Stiftungssaal | Room O.0.01


13:00-13:45    Coffee/Registration


13:45-14:00    Welcome of the Dean of the Faculty (Alexander Onysko), Introduction (Anna Schober-de Graaf)


14:00-15:00    Keynote: Photography, Form, and What Matters, (Robert Hariman)


15:00-15:15    Coffee Break


15:15-16:15    Slot 1: Visual activism / Political image making (Xénia Farkas, Sugandha Seghal, Ragıp Zık)


16:15-17:00    Comments and Discussion (Gary Bratchford, Yvonne Volkart)


17:00-17:15    Coffee Break


17:15-18:15    Slot 2: Hyperimage / Hyper-Screen (Bérangère Amblard, Isabel Hartwig, Gerrit Höfferer)


18:15-19:00    Comments and Discussion (Sebastian Mühl, Marc Ries)



28.06.2019, Stiftungssaal | Room O.0.01


08:45-09:00    Coffee


09:00-10:00    Slot 3: Image technologies / Pictures as Witnesses (Erec Gellautz, Ioan-Daniel Mihalcea, Lisa Stuckey)


10:00-10:45    Comments and Discussion (Roswitha Breckner, Robert Hariman)


10:45-11:00    Coffee Break


11:00-12:00     Keynote: For an Ecology of Care beyond the Wasteocene, (Yvonne Volkart)


12:00-13:00    Lunch


13:00-14:00    Slot 4: Historiographies / Archival practices (Faime Alpagu, Margherita Foresti, Sapir Huberman)


14:00-14:45    Comments and Discussion (Marc Ries, Anna Schober-de Graaf)


14:45-15:00    Coffee Break


15:00-16:00    Slot 5: Visual media and Society/ Questions of Ethics (Orsolya Bajusz, Stefanie Bauer, Cezara Nicola)


16:00-16:45    Comments and Discussion (Roswitha Breckner, Yvonne Volkart)


16:45-17:00    Closing remarks (Anna Schober-de Graaf)



Workshop website: https://visualworkshop.info/