Webinar “Aesthetics Now” of the Finnish Society for Aesthetics


07.12.2020, 12:30 Uhr bis 07.12.2020, 16:30 Uhr



Fall Webinar “Aesthetics Now” of the Finnish Society for Aesthetics
Zoom, helsinki.zoom.us/j/64324128777
“The objective of aesthetics is the perfection of sensuous cognition.” Alexander Baumgarten 1750.
What is the role of philosophical Aesthetics in the contemporary world? Has Aesthetics made any progress since the times of Kant and Heidegger? Has the concept of Aesthetics different meaning for an artist than for a philosopher? Is there a need for something new to be created in the field of Aesthetics in the future?
Answering to the question ‘what is aesthetics?’ may not seem a simple task. Rather than finding a set definition, we would like to encourage an open discussion on contemporary conceptions of Aesthetics. The aim of the fall webinar 2020 is to map out scope, position, and value of Aesthetics as an academic discipline by looking into the present-day research and on-going artistic projects. The webinar brings together scholars from University of the Arts and University of Helsinki working on topics relevant for Aesthetics.